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About Us

New Brighton is the best* little suburb in Ōtautahi, Christchurch.

*In our opinion. We are incredibly biased. But have you visited New Brighton?! It’s pretty damn cool! 

We've had a bit of a rough time recently, but it's time for a come back...

Just 8km east from the City Centre, we are a playground for the whole family! We have beautiful beaches, amazing walks and some of the best eateries around.

Economic downturn, the 2010/11 Earthquake sequence and the covid pandemic, hit our place pretty hard. But we're doing our best to support the best little suburb to bounce back and be better than ever! 

Our vision is of a thriving, vibrant and quirky New Brighton.

We firmly believe we will only get there by working together across our community. We aim to be positive, creative and fun in all things we do and our projects range from local promotion, to new amenities, to community events.

The Driftwood Council of Brighton started in late 2023.

We are an official Town Team (number 148). This means we have signed up to the Town Team Charter. It was a model that the initial group really liked as Town Teams are positive and proactive community groups that work collaboratively to improve their area. The Town Team movement started in Australia and has since gone global, though we are only the second in New Zealand.

We're an open group.

We welcome residents, businesses, landowners and anyone else passionate about New Brighton. We are committed to collaborating with a range of partners to improve our place. If you have an idea how to help our community, get in touch, we’d love to welcome you to the group and work with you to make it happen!